Are we next in US ‘regime change’ plot, again?

Are we next in US ‘regime change’ plot, again?
DURING the Easter Sunday joint press conference of presidentiables, Sen. Ping Lacson, Manila Mayor Isko Moreno and former defense secretary and national security adviser, Norberto Gonzales, Lacson made the alarming disclosure that should leading presidential candidate, former senator Bongbong Marcos wins in the coming May 9 polls, his reign would be “destabilized,” or “guguluhin,” as he puts it.

And the “panggugulo” as most people realized, would come mainly not only from the camp of Vice President Leni Robredo and her terrorist allies, the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), along with all its front organizations. The bigger threat of course, comes from the “padrino” of both camps, US Imperialism.

Robredo is running not only to prove that she did not cheat her way to the vice-presidency in 2016 (that many Filipinos believed she did) but as the last hope of the dying and soon-to-be-forgotten ‘Dilawans’ (read: Liberal Party); she is fighting the election of her life.

So much depends on its result for her and the rest of the elite social class that she represents, as well as to US Imperialism that has always found the malleability of the LP suitable in the promotion of its hegemonic interests in the Philippines since the end of World War 2.

So much too, hangs in the balance for the commies, already in the brink of extinction and decimation, that it has discarded its ‘revolutionary’ and ‘Marxist’ ideology in hitching its political future to the Robredo bandwagon—and threatening violence if she fails to win,

And what of US Imperialism? Consumed with its war preparations against China and believing the Philippines remains as its “best staging point” in its planned aggression against the Chinese mainland, US Imperialism has been agonizing for the last 6 years, or since Pres. Duterte won the presidency.

US Imperialism is agonizing—its war plans against China on hold– because Pres. Duterte refused to act the role of US puppet, the way past Philippine presidents have acted, particularly the unlamented deceased president, Noynoy Aquino.

Thus, like its local minions, Robredo and the CPP, so much too is at stake in the result of the May 9 elections for US Imperialism.

It is in this context that we warn our countrymen that even if Bongbong Marcos is democratically elected—as he appears to be headed that way—Lacson’s warning may still come about.

After all, US Imperialism is notorious for its regime change operations encompassing nearly all countries in the world, of which the latest victim was Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan, who was removed by US lackeys in Pakistan last April 9, 2022.

We should not forget too that twice in our recent political history, US Imperialism succeeded in its regime change operations here, the first in 1986 when President Marcos was removed and Pres. Joseph Estrada in 2001, both under the guise of ‘People Power.’

We also suspect that Pres. Duterte was also targeted for removal by American operatives but none of the plots succeeded because of his overwhelming support from the Filipinos.

One way or another, we should continue to assert our sovereignty and be prepared in looking out for signs and signals of another regime change operation by US Imperialism and its local stooges after the elections.

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