‘Secret’ CPP Negros meeting lays plot to discredit May polls

‘Scenario-building’ to foil a Marcos win, install Robredo
THE Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) recently held a secret meeting in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, and plotted to discredit the result of the coming May elections to create a scenario that can result to another ‘People Power,’ similar to what happened in 1986.

Specifically, those present seek to prevent a “Marcos win in the May elections” and instead install Vice President Leni Robredo as president.

However, one of the participants had a change of heart and decided to secretly contact the country’s intelligence community and revealed what transpired.

The source, a certain ‘Ka Jed,’ had extensive discussion about the details of the meeting with the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA).

He claimed that for some time now, he is being bothered by his conscience and decided to reveal what he knows in order to alert Filipinos of the grim future ahead should the CPP succeeds in its plot to discredit the May 9, 2022 elections.

A 2-page summary of Ka Jed’s revelations was provided by the NICA to this writer.

It stated that the meeting was called by the CPP’s ‘Propaganda Unified Committee’ and was held inside a Catholic seminary in Bacolod City last February 27, 2022.

Identified as chairing the meeting was CPP-PUC secretary, Ericson Acosta, aka, “Fredo.”

Also present, via video call was CPP founding chair, Jose Maria Sison, who discussed election-related issues as well as the “tasks” that CPP front groups should implement in the days leading to the elections and afterwards.

The plan calls for the CPP, thru its front organizations, to convince its members, their allies and the general public about the commission of massive fraud during election day in favor of Marcos.

By implication, the CPP intends to accuse the Duterte administration of masterminding the electoral fraud to ensure a Marcos victory.

Ka Jed said the CPP, learning from its mistakes in 1986, where it was caught flat-footed by the sudden turn of events, this time hopes to be the “vanguard of the mass struggle” by sowing intrigues and lies to agitate the general public, create a political crisis and lay down the conditions to launch their own armed power grab.

In the immediate, the party also hopes the crisis they would create would enable them to regain lost grounds and recover from their setbacks due to the successes of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC).

“The CPP is already preparing for another 1986 People Power Revolution in the event of a Marcos victory on the belief that his rival, Vice President Leni Robredo could not have lost the elections since she is supported by the Roman Catholic Church, major media groups, oligarchs and the ‘masses.’

“The CPP, apparently convinced of a possible Marcos victory, is already conditioning the minds of its supporters on alleged cheating (by the administration) to justify its protest moves once the result of the polls are announced,” the report said.

Also discussed during the meeting was the “recovery of the Catholic Church” and the “possible activities” to be launched by the ‘Coalition Against the Restoration of Marcos in Malacañang and Martial Law’ (CARMMA), thus confirming it is yet another front organization created by the CPP targeting Marcos.

The report also mentioned the presence in the meeting of the ‘MAKABAYAN,’ a political bloc in Congress composed of partylist organizations that Pres. Duterte and the government repeatedly identified as the “legal fronts” of the CPP. However, the name of the MAKABAYAN representative was not mentioned in the report.

MAKABAYAN, the report said, underscored the “need to unite with a segment of the reactionary ruling class against the Marcos-Duterte tandem,” the latter referring to Davao City mayor, Sara Duterte, the running mate of Marcos Jr.

Aside from MAKABAYAN already conditioning the minds of its members and allies on the possibility of massive fraud in the coming polls “similar from the February 1986 snap elections,” the group also stressed the need to expand its reach and mobilize the country’s various sectors “as well as (its) alliances like (those with) the Robredo-Pangilinan camp,” referring to the tandem of Robredo and Sen. Francis ‘Kiko’ Pangilinan, current president of the Liberal Party (LP).

(The LP and the CPP has a long-standing alliance, dating back to the time when former senator Benigno ‘Ninoy’ Aquino Jr., “co-founded” the CPP and its armed wing, the New People’s Amy (NPA) with Sison in the late ‘60s— Editor).

Ka Jed also warned of the CPP’s ongoing effort to form more alliances “including the camp of other presidential candidates” to ensure the success of another ‘People Power’ uprising.

“The party never wanted our country to progress or Filipinos to be united. For them, it is all about power. This has to stopped,” Ka Jed said.

He also stressed his coming out is not to favor Marcos or any candidate but to alert Filipinos of the CPP plan to discredit the coming elections and profit from the resulting disorder in cahoots with its allies in the opposition.

“I was not even a registered voter,” he pointed out.

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