Wheelchair for the needy

Wheelchair for the needy
NATIONAL Press Club President Lion Lydia Bendaña Bueno and Secretary Paul Gutierrez, are shown accepting the 2 wheelchairs donated by Batalla Cares Foundation and Crime & Corruption Watch International (CCWI) President Carlo Batalla, for use by 2 elderly and sickly residents in Laguna and Manila.

Since 2017, Batalla has donated more than 50,000 wheelchairs all over the country to the sick, the elderly and the needy.

Previously, the NPC and Batalla Cares distributed 80 wheelchairs in Laguna while another 50 wheelchairs are scheduled to be distributed this coming January 20, 2023 in San Pablo City in partnership with SM SPC, Board Member Angelika Jones, the local press and the office of Mayor Vic Amante.

Bueno said the NPC is calling on all Laguna/Calabarzon-based members of the press whose loved ones/relatives who need a wheelchair to get in touch with the NPC Secretariat for the requirements.

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