America’s futile destabilization attempts

America’s futile destabilization attempts
THE U.S. has been engaged in constant destabilizations of what they perceive as non-compliant, independent, sovereign or rival and competitive nations, regions and major countries using what they detect as possible popular issues and with timely triggering events that they can use as a fuse to spread staged protests into sensational and viral Western mainstream and social media wildfires.

The latest of such an event is the supposed spread of anti-Covid 19 lockdown protests in some cities of China splashed all over the frontpages of Western mainstream media and made viral over social media, hiding the fact that the original cause driving the protests was a high-rise building fire in the capital city of Urumqi, Xinjiang region last November 24, 2022, that killed 10 people. The strict anti-Covid lockdown rules in China supposedly delayed responses that led to the deaths.

One report from the British paper, The Guardian interspersed news of the fire with debunked prejudicial and biased allegations, “Rights groups and western governments have long accused Beijing of abuses against the mainly Muslim ethnic minority, including forced labor in internment camps,” a claim that is irrelevant to the fire incident and already trashed by UNCHR chief Michel Bachelet’s tour of Xinjiang in May this year.

The Guardian report added, “Authorities have said the building’s residents had been able to go downstairs, but videos of emergency crews’ efforts, shared on Chinese social media, led many internet users to surmise that residents could not escape in time because the building was partially locked down.” The term “surmised” gives away the deceit, the malice inserted into the story.

China’s “Zero Covid” policy had been a bright and shining example of the State’s successful caring of its nation’s health and welfare, having succeeded in limiting Covid deaths during the pandemic period of the last two and a half years to 5,233 and infection of 1,485,399 people. (John Hopkins University data, 2022).

The negative economic impact has slowly been reversed with 3.9 percent growth and moving on strong. Economic growth can always be recovered but lost lives are gone forever.

China’s successful policy to contain Covid-19 damage is ironically being made to become a negative factor when an otherwise uncontained and uncontrolled epidemic within the 1.4-billion strong population would have unpredictable deleterious consequences.

The US’ own Covid deaths topped 1.1 million and the US CDC has announced it will stop issuing daily updates of Covid deaths and new cases to prevent civil discontent.

The anti-Zero Covid protests in some cities are being made to appear like wildfire spreading, with CNN reporting, “By Sunday evening, mass demonstrations had spread to Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou and Wuhan, where thousands of residents called for not only an end to Covid restrictions, but more remarkably, political freedoms” with Hong Kong (a few dozens) Shanghai and the original Urumqi event.

The addition of the alleged clamor for “political freedoms” the Western media bases on one or two placards and one or two loud participants showing off and screaming slogans which we know are easily and usually staged for the media cameras and social media posts.

An examination of Chinese and Philippine social media can also help see some true popular reactions.

A video post on FB from Guangzhou showed local Guangzhou citizens shouting back at protestors who were apparently not locals or from outside Guangzhou, another explained that many of the protestors are paid.

A Filipino FB netizen posted the arrest of a BBC reporter allegedly for stoking the protestors just like what had been often seen in the Hongkong’s “Democracy Movement” protests in 2019.

This article was prompted by a Manila Times’ November 29, 2022 column of Yen Makabenta, who wrote that “Angry protests call for China’s Xi to step down.”

But Makabenta clearly does not know what he is talking about (did he even wrote that piece?0 because two paragraphs down, he says, “For the moment, the angry protests in China are not aiming yet at regime change. They seek rather to overthrow the unpopular zero-Covid policy of President Xi Jinping.”

The disinformation is obvious from the title to the second paragraph, and we are giving it attention not because it can be taken seriously for such disinformation issues are just like an unnoticed fly on the fur of a Panda, but we give it attention to educate our own public where some are still easily waylaid by such sinister propaganda schemes.

This anti-China disinformation is no different from that in Iran recently. News of the death of 22-years old Iranian woman Masha Amini allegedly due to beatings by the “morality” police spread in the Western and social media.

Not given much attention was another video showing Amini collapsing on her own at the police station. An autopsy later proved she died of a heart attack.

Protests in Iran are regularly stoked by professional agitators pouncing on a public sentiment and triggering public outrage with preposterous stories of cruelties of the authorities that are totally fabricated.

Western media claims that Iranian authorities would execute 15,000 protesters – which was, like in the protests in China, a total fabrication, of course.

But confidence is very low that these US-exploited civic protests would play out according to its wishes. People are smarter now than before.

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