Ukraine and the “Amchurians”

DOMINATING the global headline this week and for some weeks to come is the liberation of eastern Ukraine’s Luhansk and Donestsk regions with Russia’s recognition of their sovereignty signed by President Vladimir Putin on February 21, 2022.

This ended months of suspense over Russia’s final move on its security dispute with the US and NATO on the status of the non-negotiability of Ukraine’s absorption into NATO, in effect within the US military umbrella intended to surround Russia.

Listening to the eminent American political scientist and geopolitical analyst Prof. John Mearsheimer explain the Ukrainian situation, I am reminded of the roots of the crisis today involving Ukraine and that is the 2008 Bucharest NATO Summit where the U.S. broached the idea of recruiting Ukraine into NATO and which Russia already vehemently objected to at that time. For five years that issue went to sleep, until 2014 when the US went into action to start the ball rolling.

The event in 2014 is the Maidan “Orange Revolution” or “regime change” operation of the U.S. against President Viktor Yanukovych’s neutral government. We recall the obvert activity of US Asst. Secretary of State Victoria Nuland openly joining street protests and handing out cookies and bread to cheering protesters in Maidan Square in Kiev – publicly grandstanding all out US support for the anti-Yanukovych government while the authorities were successfully maintaining order.

Public order crumbled when the Ukrainian police started suffering casualties from snipers, from my recollection up to two-dozens were killed, along with protesters allegedly killed by police snipers.

The truth has been revealed in later report, like this 2015 Foreign Policy magazine lionization of one of the assassins that the magazine then features as a hero sniping at both protesters to create martyrs and then at the police to weaken morale.

Here’s an excerpt from “’He Killed for the Maidan’…’In telling Bubenchik’s story, we were breaking a taboo – it was the police, the popular narrative goes, that were the murderers. The protester were heroes.

But Bubenchik’s words were chilling. ‘To create a word-of-mouth effect, you have to shoot two or three (police) commandeer… I only picked two…’”

There actually were more sniper-assassin like Bubenchik (neo-Nazi heirs of WWII German SS collaborators) as videos of those times show, killing more “martyrs” and dozens other police officers to cause Yanukovych to fall.

Russia cried foul and as the E.U. fretted, Victoria Nuland reacting to then US Ambassador Geoffrey R. Pyatt concern barked, “F…K the E.U.”

Ukraine became a US mannequin state that lost Russian economic support (which had extended it $ 15-billion aid package in 2013), subsidized prices for natural gas and many of the perks from friendly ties with Russia, while the humongous US parasite privatized public sector assets and oligarchs feasted, while Ukraine’s neo-Nazi gangs impose terror in Kyiv and the Eastern provinces which have now been liberated by Russia.

The Philippines went through the same “regime change” or color revolution in 1986 called “Yellow Revolution” or the EDSA I People Power, deposing Marcos’ fledgling independent republic that had set up the economic foundation for full sovereignty with 11 Industrial Projects program, energy self-sufficiency including a nuclear power plant that would have reduced need for importing oil down to 1 percent, opened relations to socialist countries and China, cut short the U.S. military  bases stay, and so on.

The Filipino people waited for the promises of “democracy restored” and “fall of the dictatorship” but met with economic and political decay, dwindling jobs, falling behind Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and others.

Another “regime change” came in 2001 versus the Estrada government that said “No” to US demands to cease offensives against Muslim separatists and the new puppet regime launched a massive privatization of public electricity hiking prices to the highest in Asia.

When the US offensive against the rise of its new perceived rival arrived in 2011, the “Pivot to Asia” of President Obama shifting 60 percent of US military forces to Asia, the US uses the Philippines to provoke tension and conflict with China starting with the Philippine naval ships arrest of Chinese fishermen at the Scarborough Shoal followed by filing of a sham arbitration case in a sham Panel of Arbitration to stick a permanent thorn on the side of PHL-China relations.

The unintended consequence of the Maidan “Orange Revolution” was to push Russia and China in a “no limits partnership,” and the “Yellow Revolution” in the Philippines the rise of the feverishly independent Duterte government into reality and existence to the regret of the US today – except for the last remaining “Amchurian” candidates, i.e. Senator Panfilo Lacson, totally siding with the US and NATO exuding an ignorance of the historical and geopolitical tragedies of the unipolar world.

“Amchurian” is American-Manchurian candidate, the brainwashed patsy of America’s long debunked “Cold War” mentality. May their tribe become extinct, starting with Lacson.

(Samahan si Ka Mentong Laurel atbp. sa “Power Thinks” Miyerkules @6pm Live Global Talk News Radio (GTNR) sa Facebook at Talk News TV, You Tube; at tuwing Linggo 8 to 10am sa RP1 738khz AM radio).

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