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‘A Criminal Organization’

PROBABLY the next most talked about action of US President Donald Trump after re-taking the White House last January 20, aside from his immediately securing the US borders, is the temporary stop to all American aid for 90 days (3 months) while the accounting of where the billions of its annual budget went is ongoing.

Trump and his chief enforcer on government efficiency, billionaire Elon Musk, may have not realized it at the time, but the decision has global repercussions, especially among the corrupt government officials and the similarly corrupt non-government organizations (NGOs) and sections of the mainstream media who have been “beneficiaries” from the grease (read: bribe money) flowing from the spigot of US aid money mainly being administered by the USAID (United States Agency for International Development).

From within the United States and everywhere else where USAID is present, there has been a collective expression of panic, despair and anger as funding suddenly dried up, and many “projects” that justify this widespread palm greasing are put on hold.

On Trump’s return, America has become the world’s largest debtor-nation with its national debt presently at over $36.4 trillion, which is more than 123 percent bigger as a ratio of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the burden for every US taxpayer placed at $323,046.

It is in this context—combatting the heavy debt and tax burden—that Musk convinced Trump to create his ‘Department of Government Efficiency’ (DOGE) that aims to save or slash upwards to over $1 trillion, a gargantuan amount that Musk blamed to “wasteful spending.”

And in pursuit of this “mission,” Musk’s team ended up digging up the activities of USAID.

USAID was created in 1961 by Pres. John Kennedy and its activities and funding sanctioned by the US Congress thru the ‘Foreign Assistance Act’ that it passed several months later.

Dropping its benevolent and noble intent of “aiding” in the “development” of poor countries, USAID’s main purpose is as a “soft power tool” in the promotion and implementation of US foreign policy.

In the context of the time, this means the unrelenting campaign against the Soviet Union and all left-wing, nationalist, and independence movements generally categorize as “fighting Communism,” areas of concern that is in the exclusive domain of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

And here, we believe, the rottenness of USAID started as it learned the “ropes” of the CIA’s sanctioned corruption and bribery of government officials, the media and the “mercenary” NGOs who have turned the “fight for democracy, human rights and a free press” into a local industry.

And yes, nothing wrong if USAID “administrators” and “contractors” take “something” for themselves, as Musk has discovered, a stealing and money laundering operation that reached the “top bosses” of the Democratic Party, such as the Clintons and the Obamas thru their “foundations.”

The money flow also includes “credible” mainstream media such as ‘POLITICO,’ ‘Reuters’ and ‘The New York Times.’

Alarmingly too, DOGE confirmed what Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky has known all along: that USAID helped fund the COVID19 research in Wuhan, China, that killed more than 20 million during the 2020 global pandemic. And all these are just the “tip” of the proverbial “iceberg.”

Musk himself describes what USAID, and all official aid of the United States has become— one huge “Criminal Organization.”

We can only agree.

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