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21 containers with P178 million smuggled mackerel seized

THE Bureau of Customs (BOC) under Commissioner Bienvenido Rubio, seized 21 container vans of frozen mackerel from China valued at more than P178 million that turned out to be smuggled for having no import permit from the Department of Agriculture.

The shipment was opened by the customs chief and DA Secretary Francis Tiu Laurel at the Manila International Container Port (MICP) last October 30.

Investigation disclosed that the consignee, which was not named, brought in the shipment without first securing the required SPSIC (Sanitary and Phytosanitary Import Clearance) from the DA’s Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) as required by law.

Earlier, information received by the Intelligence Group claimed the shipment arrived without an SPSIC, which was confirmed by the BFAR.

DA Memorandum Order 14, series of 2024 signed by Laurel last April 1, already suspended the issuance of import permit for mackerel, round scad and bonito to “prevent” their “diversion” to local wet markets.

MICP district collector Rizalino Jose C. Torralba, promptly issued an WSD (warrant of seizure and detention) against the shipment.

Rubio commended the Intelligence Group under DCI Juvymax Uy and the MICP-CIIS under Alvin Enciso for the accomplishment as he also thanked Secretary Laurel for his “proactive collaboration” with the BOC in foiling any smuggling attempt involving agricultural and fisheries products.

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