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Assad’s fall, another US ‘regime change ops’

LAST December 8, the world woke up to the news that the government of Bashar al-Assad of Syria has fallen, barely two weeks after a carefully planned anti-government assault by the various armed groups in the country.

There are many lessons to be drawn from the incident and among them is that the ‘rules-based international order’ tirelessly being mouthed by America and its minions is a farce and that one is only a “terrorist” if you go against the interest of everybody’s “Uncle Sam.”

The biggest of Syria’s armed groups is the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), mainly backed and created by the United States and its NATO surrogates, including Turkey.

The attack on Syria is eagerly supported by Israel, US Imperialism’s agent provocateur in the Middle East who has now grabbed at least 20 percent of Syria’s territory as a “buffer zone.”
What happened in Syria has long been an American violent regime change project dating back to 1979 when it first declared Syria as a ‘sponsor of terrorism,’ this despite President Hafez Assad, Bashar’s father, being a “partner” of the CIA and MI6.

After Hafez died in 2000 and replaced by Bashar, Western Imperialism, to include Turkey, started their destabilization campaign the next year, organizing Syria’s own ‘Arab Spring’ that consequently led to the rise of ISIS, the fragmentation of Syria’s territory and the triumph of HTS last December 8.

The West also imposed financial and economic sanctions on Syria that we have seen imposed against the ‘Non-Believer’ of their ‘rules based global order’ such as North Korea, China, Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Russia and for a time, Vietnam.

The aim of these sanctions is of course, to “bring democracy” to the sanctioned countries thru regime change.

I mean, if life has become miserable and your officials becoming brutal and corrupt as everyone is out for themselves on what’s left of available resources, the thought of “revolution,” of overthrowing your government on the false belief that the “new one” would be “better,” enters your mind.

However, the regime change operation in Syria also made the world’s people realize the hypocrisy of the ‘rules-based international order’ with Washington and Downing Street announcing they now intend to withdraw the designation of HTS as an international terrorist organization.

The announcement is a confirmation of the US government as morally bankrupt; as far back as 2017, it offered a bounty of $10 million against HMT leader, Abu Mohammad Al Jawlani, supposedly to show America’s seriousness in fighting terrorism.

Jawlani is a co-leader of the ‘Al Nusra Front,’ the branch of Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda based in Syria. This Zelensky ‘look-alike’ (see for yourself) is also a leader of ISIS that came out of Al Qaeda whose local branch here sowed havoc in Marawi City in 2017.

With the HMT in power, US companies are thus assured of their continued exploitation of Syria’s biggest oil fields and its most productive agricultural areas that they have taken over some 20 years ago under the protection of the US Army and Air Force.

Aside from enlarging Israel, the other beneficiary of the conflict is Ukraine. Despite loses to Russia, Ukraine sent some of its “experts” to Syria to train the terrorists, especially on drone warfare, a knowledge they used to deadly effect against Syria’s Arab Army.

In exchange, it was announced the Pentagon already completed its “inventory” of Syria’s military hardware—provided by Russia to Syria over the years– that they can ship to Ukraine. They include T62 and T72 main battle tanks (about 4,000 units) and MIG29 fighter jets.

Looking forward, no one should be surprised if in 2025, we see the war expanding to Iran as what the “hawks” in Israel and Washington want.

After all, America has been lusting for a regime change in Iran since the Iranians threw out their puppet regime of Shah Rezza Pahlavi in 1979.


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