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Philippines: the land of “CIA-made” presidents

THE Philippine Daily Inquirer headline of October 8, 2024, declared, “Alice Guo confirmed as spy by She Zhijang’s ex-cellmate.” This, despite the Philippines’ top security entity, the National Security Council saying on October 3, 2024, as headlined by The Manila Times, “NSC skeptical of claims Guo is a Chinese spy” quoting the most “anti-China” spokesman of the NSC, deputy-director Jonathan Malaya.

The “China spy network” yarn is spun by the vast U.S. multi-billion dollars annual program of anti-China propaganda and disinformation first introduced in 2022 thru a $500-million supplementary budget to the U.S. Congress’ “American Competes Act.”

Starting this year, the budget was upped to $1.6-billion covering the next 5-years “to deliver anti-China propaganda overseas,” as reported by the Quincy Institute.

The PDI used the term “confirmed” which means “established truth or correctness of something,” for a double hearsay allegation made by a Chinese prison mate of a Chinese prisoner in a Thai prison, She Zhijiang. She is awaiting extradition to China for the crime of “operating online gambling sites overseas.”

The PDI was slyly trying to rub credence on allegations made by seedy characters clearly with motives to collaborate with anti-China elements to avoid being sent back to China and face the harsh penalty that awaits him there.

The media platform that broke the “Chinese spy network” story linking Alice Guo is Qatar-based, ‘Al Jazeera,’ owned by the Emir of Qatar, a known U.S. client state and part of the Coalition Intelligence Fusion Cell (CIFC) established by the US for its psyops in West Asia (Middle East).

‘The Cradle’ an independent news site with special focus on MidEast affairs, just recently reported that, “CIA awards Qatari intel chief top medal for cooperation with US.”

The CIFC is like the ‘Five Eyes’ (the intelligence agencies of the U.S., Canada, Britain, Australia, New Zealand) that promotes US hegemony by targeting countries and entities considered as “enemies,” “dictators,” “authoritarian” or “terrorists” by the White House.

Meanwhile, the US-planted Al Jazeera story of She Zhijiang, complete with fabricated documents linking Alice Guo to espionage was exposed as a fabrication. For according to She, Guo arrived in the country in 2003 to perform her “mission.”

But Senator Win Gatchalian established that Guo was already a student in Grace Christian High School from year 2000, three years before She’s claim. In short, She’s narrative did not conform with the basic facts already established by the Senate probe.

We are not surprised that this dubious claim by a desperate criminal, She, who would do and tell anything to avoid being sent back to China, got picked up by the mainstream local and Western media like the PDI, Al Jazeera and others, given their subservience to US Imperialism.

It has the hallmarks of what the U.S. accuses others of doing, another “influence operations” of the US and unless we are aware of this, we are in danger of believing this disinformation.

China never needs to cultivate “spies” in the Philippines; it shunned politics and intrigues and kept to trade.

It is the US that is steeped into covert and overt ops in the Philippines, being the land of “CIA-made” presidents like Ramon Magsaysay and a “hero,” Ninoy Aquino, who admitted he “worked with the CIA and not for the CIA.”

Another of our presidents, Corazon Aquino, was not only installed by the US but even called up the White House in 1989 to bomb the coup plotters against her, thus revealing where her support was really coming from.

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