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Uncle Sam should look into the mirror to see real self

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IT has been more than a month now since the United States and the People’s Republic of China concluded their ‘strategic dialogue’ in Anchorage, Alaska.

And in that meeting, US state secretary Anthony Blinken and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, must have gotten the shock of their lives after receiving a mouthful of unsavory reply from the Chinese delegation headed by Chinese Foreign Wang Yi and Yang Jiechi, representing the Communist Party of China.

And for the rest of the world that watched the event, it was a proud moment to see a third world country like China standing up to the world’s most powerful nation in ‘tit-for-tat’ fashion.

For so long, US Imperialism has always represented itself not only as the world’s “policeman” who can be relied on to restore order in conflict areas and impose on them the Western concept of “democracy” whether the native peoples understand it, ready for it or willing to accept it.

Perched at the top of the totem pole as a global empire unmatched in history, the United States too, take it for granted that whatever it says is representing the world’s majority opinion.

But as the Chinese delegation rightly pointed out, whatever opinion their imperialist counterpart spouted during their meeting, it represents only the opinion or the position of the United States government.

Indeed, there is reason to believe that the position of Blinken and Sullivan during the summit also does not represent the position of the American people, given that today, the US government is highly distrusted by its own citizens.

And why should you trust a government that has bankrupted your country, made orphans to millions of children– and widows too– thru its incessant wars of aggressions against other countries, especially in the decades after World War II?

In the meantime, American cities, for lack of fund, continue to decay and jobs, except those in the military-industrial complex, continue to be scarce even as American society itself continues to be riven by racial conflict and social inequality.

On the other hand, China continues to improve itself economically, culturally and politically, thus showing other third world countries another model of development that is truly inclusive and humane.

Russian president Vladimir Putin, reacting on being described as a “killer” by US President Joe Biden, said that when people look at the mirror, they like to imagine that the image reflected there is really them.

What Putin is of course saying is that just because the US government has resorted to all sorts of criminal acts in pursuit of its hegemonic aim, the US government, Biden especially, should not take it for granted that other countries and leaders are resorting to such methods too.

As US Imperialism continues down the path of inevitable decline, it really should look itself into the mirror and see itself for what it is: a wholly discredited nation that has no right anymore to impose its will and its views on others.

For maybe, a touch of humility, admission of guilt for past gross crimes against humanity and a willingness to change, sincerely, can help America repair the damage to its credibility and prestige—all self-inflicted by the way—before the eyes of the world.

Until then, the world must continue to be wary of America.

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