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Why is America “protecting” the CPP-NPA?

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DON’T look now, but the more we look into the circumstances, the more our suspicion grows that just like the Abu Sayyaf and the MILF, the Communist Party of the Philippines and its armed wing, the New People’s Army (CPP-NPA), may have been a “closet ally” of US Imperialism, or another of its “creation” all along.

As ridiculous and “crazy” as this may sound, the possibility is not as farfetched as it may seem, given that both US Imperialism (read: Central Intelligence Agency, CIA) and the CPP-NPA are both notorious for their duplicity, amorality and lack of conscience.

Both are just concerned on one thing: achieving and maintaining power, whatever is the cost. Stated another way, the advancement of their strategic interest.

And what is US Imperialism’s “best” (strategic) interest in the Philippines? To forever immersed it in poverty and maintain its status as America’s neo-colonial post in this side of the Pacific where it can do whatever it wants in its global power projection with the Philippines as its base of operation and recruitment.

And what is the best way to maintain our “status quo” under this American policy than to keep Filipinos forever divided and at war with itself? Who is in the best position to do this for decades to come? None other than the CPP of Jose Maria Sison and Ninoy Aquino, the latter, a long known “friend” of the CIA.

As for the CPP-NPA, they have long come to the conclusion that their “people’s war” aimed at creating a communist Philippines would never materialize. But along the way of their 50 plus years of armed struggle, they have also learned one thing: War, in whatever shape or form, is always profitable business.

Indeed, the billions of pesos in “revolutionary taxes” they have extorted from businesses all over the country is a testament to this. And yes, their “insurgency” made us perennially poor and divided, a situation that fits exactly Uncle Sam’s aim for our country.

That it would not be farfetched for Sison and his gangmates to strike a profitable relationship with US Imperialism, is borne by the fact that they have long left behind any sense of humanity, proven by the callous way they disregard human life. The bones and blood of their victims—thousands of them—are proof of this.

To them, everything now is “business as usual” and where the money is, there their support would go.

Today, any close observer is finding it hard to distinguish what is CIA propaganda and what is CPP propaganda insofar as the issues against China is concerned. Is it just coincidence that their views and positions against China are nearly the same? Or are they reading from the same script?

More tellingly, Sison and the CPP-NPA has long been in the US’ official list of terrorists since 2002, in the aftermath of the 9/11 incident; repeatedly too, the US Government has told us that we are its “strategic ally” and we are assured of its “ironclad support.”

But why has the US, which is willing to invade other countries just to get rid of those in its terrorist list like Osama Bin Laden, not taken any step for the last 20 years to arrest, eliminate or even deport Sison back to the Philippines?

What kind of “friend and ally” is America when it can help resolve our suffering by a mere phone call to the Dutch government but has not done so all these years? In other words, why is America “protecting” the CPP-NPA?

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