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‘Audit Summit’ tackles “future” of Customs Assessment

“Traditional approach” to tax collection thing of the past-- Maronilla

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THE Bureau of Customs (BOC) under Commissioner Bienvenido Rubio continues to work on improving its performance as it conducted a ‘Post Clearance Audit Summit,’ already the third in a series of ‘summits’ arranged by the agency in the last three months.

The audit summit, held from May 10 to May 12, 2023, gathered the officials and employees from the Post Clearance Audit Group (PCAG) headed by Assistant Commissioner Atty. Vincent Maronilla along with related agency units.

“The summit served as a valuable platform for in-depth discussions, focusing on crucial topics such as risk management, data analytics, and post clearance audit techniques,” a communique from the BOC said.

The event commenced with a presentation by Jemky Flor S. Sacar, Acting Chief, Risk Management Office (RMO), a unit under the Intelligence Group.

Sacar’s presentation on compliance management approaches, risk management frameworks, standards, and practices set the tone for subsequent discussions and provided a solid foundation for understanding the importance of these principles in ensuring secure and seamless customs procedures.

PCAG Audit Division 3 Chief Von Joseph D. Mangalidan and PCAG Team Leader Jay N. Quinto, meanwhile, discussed the intricacies of audit techniques and procedures while offering insights into conducting thorough post clearance audits that are crucial for detecting and preventing customs-related irregularities.

Maronilla, for his part, said the transfer of the Liquidation and Billing Division (LBD) to the PCAG is under consideration, noting the move would serve as an additional avenue for achieving revenue targets.

Maronilla noted that other countries have already embraced post-clearance practices, eliminating the need for traditional assessment method, which is the function of the LBD.

He expressed the belief that post-clearance would be the “future” of customs assessment, emphasizing its potential to streamline processes and enhance revenue collection.

“The transfer would enable a more comprehensive and efficient approach to customs operations, aligning with international best practices and promoting trade facilitation.

“We are optimistic that the integration of LBD into PCAG will streamline customs operations and boost revenue generation,” Maronilla said.

Last March 30, 2023, the BOC also held an ‘Intelligence Summit’ (Pinoy Exposé, April 25, 2023) followed subsequently by a ‘Legal Summit’ attended by other government agencies.

In his message, Commissioner Rubio praised the PCAG’s dedication in improving efficiency and effectiveness in customs administration.

“The PCAG’s commitment of enhancing customs operations is commendable, and we look forward to implementing the valuable insights gained from this summit,” the customs chief said.

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