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Balikatan drills in Hazmat suits?!

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LAST April 4, 2022 or last Monday, a photo of three men in full HazMat suit or Hazardous Material suit appeared on the news site of the national radio network RP1.

The photo was accompanied by the headline “Phil Army, US Army Pacific, nagsagawa ng chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear exercise.”

This comes just after former Justice Carpio called for prepositioning of US weapons in the Philippines, sure magnets for pre-emptive strike or retaliation.

Two days later, the Abante News Online reported that Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana explained the presence of a Chinese ship spotted in the Sulu Sea, saying that it was there observing activities of Philippine and American military forces in the area.

Many issues arise from this:

One, the “chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear exercise” the Americans are conducting in the Philippines is a violation of the Philippines constitutional provision in Article XVIII, Section 25:

“Foreign military bases, troops, or facilities shall not be allowed in the Philippines except under a treaty duly concurred in by the Senate…” which is the case with EDCA and the VFA, while the MDT is not enforceable “as domestic federal law in the US” as decided by the US Supreme Court in 2008.

Two, the exercise indicates that the U.S. is expecting such dangerous war materials to be used in its conflict with China, most likely by the US itself against its enemies as its historical track record in Vietnam with Agent Orange and Syria with sarin gas and now, the discovery of 33 US biowarfare laboratories in Ukraine plus 300 other such sites scattered all over the world.

Three, this raises the question whether the Philippines should continue involvement with US strategic plans in the country not only due to the suicidal danger the Philippines is exposing itself to, but also due to Philippine commitments to regional undertakings such as the ZOPFAN (Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality) and the SEA Nuclear Free Zone Treaty.

Are we being good neighbor and partners to our ASEAN brothers in continuing with this unholy alliance with the U.S.?

As the Ukraine War today shows, US-NATO strategic plans to subdue Russia took 30 years to erupt into a hot war;

US strategic plans to destroy China will also ultimately happen in maybe 5 to 10 years from now if it is allowed to fester and continue until it actually erupts too.

Like Ukraine, the Philippines will be used as proxy and war games ground for the US. The US can then sacrifice the Philippines and Filipinos to the last city and last Filipino standing.

These US-led military drills, with the Philippines dragged by the nose, like the Balikatan and the lesser-known ones like this in Sulu reported by Lorenzana that continue throughout the year should be and can be stopped to stop the “forever wars” of the US.

The Philippines is in the best position to save Asia and the World from the next great “last war” – a nuclear Third World War – by ending its dangerous liaison with America.

No one can blame China for preparing defenses against the US ramp up to war against it, no more than anyone can blame Russia for stopping NATO’s expansion and subversion in and through Ukraine.

China has been promoting goodwill and cooperation with the Philippines and conceded so much for our country.

As I always remind people here, China has been friend and trade benefactor for over a millennium and a half since the Tang Dynasty in 600 AD through the Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties.

China supported the Katipunan against colonialism and its Wah Chi detachment helped the Filipinos in fighting the Japanese occupation.

The Philippines can do something about averting the anti-China war the U.S. is building up to using Taiwan as the excuse.

Cagayan Province’s Governor Manuel Mamba has expressed his concern with the Balikatan military drill going on in his province now not only due to the danger of the “live fire” drills and now the hazardous materials war from chemical to biological to nuke fallouts.

At the same time being among the poorest provinces in the country, Gov. Mamba seeks Chinese investments and projects which the Inquirer alleges to be “pro-China” and not just pro-Filipino and pro-constituents as others believe it should be seen.

The Philippines should persevere to preserve its future for permanent peace and prosperity, and there’s no greater threat to this than the unholy alliance of a few colonially inclined American Boys in the Philippines to keep this country tied to a dangerous, unjust and suicidal pact with the U.S. – Let’s End the Mutual Defense Treaty, the EDCA and the VFA for a truly safe and independent foreign relations strategy.

(Samahan si Ka Mentong Laurel atbp. sa “Power Thinks” Miyerkules @6pm Live Global Talk News Radio [GTNR] sa Facebook at Talk News TV, You Tube; at tuwing Linggo 8 to 10am sa RP1 738khz AM radio.)

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