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Top Fake News of 2021

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EXPOSÉS of fakes, news and all, has become a major task of humanity in the misinformation and disinformation age, an era that earnestly began in the aftermath of World War II when mass mind manipulation became a “science.”

This 21st century began with the grandest of all fake news – the World Trade Towers attack where two building were hit by planes but inexplicably three towers collapsed. The ruling powers of America used the obfuscation “conspiracy theory” to mask the controlled demolition that destroyed those buildings that defied the laws of science and gravity.

The second major fake news of the century is the Saddam Hussein “WMD” or ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ attested to be the late US Gen. Colin Powell holding up a vial of anthrax biological warfare material before the UN and global TV audience to start the second Iraq War and the “War on Terror” which tuned out to all but a farce of the highest order.

This two ‘kick-off’ fake news of the 21st century has caused the death of at least three million civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, at least 8-trillion in American dollars all of which are borrowed from the rest of the world.

In the meantime, billions of people wallow in poverty in the world and millions in the US. These are the result of fake news in mainstream and social media pushed by the U.S.

In this narrative, I also point to the fake news industry in the Philippines promoted mainly by the U.S.-backed and funded mainstream and social media, and I have seen the year 2021 as the moment where clearcut evidence of Philippine mainstream and social media fake news has been caught red-handed, with incontrovertible evidence to damn them.

First, is the Pinoy Exposé and my own exposé of last April’s incident where Chiara Zambrano of ABS-CBN claimed a fake Chinese Cost Guard “chase” at the West Philippine Sea of her tv crew but which Cabinet secretaries Sal Panelo and Delfin Lorenzana themselves described unequivocally as fake news.

Pinoy Exposé reported that the Zambrano sortie to the WPS was part of the plan of the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR) funded by the National Endowment of Democracy and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, both of which are CIA conduits.

Second, the Simularity July report presented by Liz Derr to a Zoom meet with media and the Amboy gang Dindo Manhit, ex-Justice Antonio Carpio, Albert del Rosario and academic cronies, claiming satellite photos of a Chinese ship littering the SCS with human waste sludge. The photo was exposed as a 2014 photo from Australia from a mining ship discharging sludge. Simularity and GMA7 then exchanged blame to exculpate themselves for the published fake photo.

These are instances where we have clear evidence of fake news, but there are many other fake news we can show circumstantial evidence of such as the March reports of “220 Chinese Maritime Militia” ships at Julian Felipe Reef (Whitsun reef) of which the accusers, the Task Force-WPS et al, could show not proof of but which we have shown is an annual event as China’s fishing moratorium begins in May.

The fake “220 Chinese Maritime Militia” was a distraction from the crucial first Chinese donation of 600,000 doses of Sinovac vaccines allowing the Duterte government to roll out its vaccination campaign on March 1, 2021 as scheduled.

Chinese vaccines donations is real news and it has amounted to 5-million doses aside from 52-million purchased by our government. The US Embassy however continues to claim as its “own” donation to the Philippines the Pfizer vaccines actually donated WHO’s Covax facility.

Fake news on the global front abound, for instance Biden’s order to US intelligence agencies in May to review the fake Wuhan Virus news that the WHO team had already dismissed.

After months of review, Biden’s Intel also cleared Wuhan, but not before 25 million Netizens (including us Filipinos) signed the petition for the US to open Ft. Detrick to investigation.

The fact is, there are half a dozen claims of COVID-19 already present in other countries, the US included, before December 2019, when the virus was ‘first’ detected in China.

As 2021 started its final countdown, Biden spewed out two major fake news projects: the Summit for Democracy and the Beijing Winter Olympics Boycott.

Biden desired for the first to define which country is democratic and which is not in order to isolate China and Russia, but the confusion and controversy cast more doubt on US democracy while China’s “Whole Process Democracy” was able to make its case cogently with a happier and more successful nation.

The fake news piece de resistance of Biden’s fake news projects this year is the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and Paraplegics Olympics boycott to protest alleged Xinjiang “human rights abuses.”

But Biden was forced to tone down and say it’s a “diplomatic boycott” as 300 U.S. athletes will be attending and only six other countries have joined Biden to keep their diplomats away (whom China says were never invited anyway). 173 UN countries, on the other hand, voted to keep politics out of the Olympics—a clear censure to America’s president.

And finally, there’s the top fake news of all exposed by the American TV presenter, author and journalist John Frank Stossel who filed a suit against FB’s fact checking and checkers.

In Stossel vs. Facebook Inc. et al, Facebook admitted that their so-called “fact-checkers” merely rely on opinions and do not do actual fact-checking, they should be more properly called “opinion-checkers” from now on.

There’s one fact I vouch for, we will all be trying to have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

(Samahan si Ka Mentong Laurel at mga panauhin sa “Power Thinks” tuwing Miyerkules @6pm Live Global Talk News Radio (GTNR) sa Facebook at sa Talk News TV sa You Tube; at tuwing Linggo 8 to 10am sa RP1 738khz AM sa radyo.)

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